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Unit 2 review quiz

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Lewis _______ sleeps all day on Sundays.
Lewis usually sleeps all day on Sundays.
Katie _______ comes home by 8:00pm.
Katie usually comes home by 8:00pm.
I _____ eat tomatoes.
I never eat tomatoes.
She _____ takes out the garbage.
She never takes out the garbage.
He _________ cleans his room.
He sometimes cleans his room.
Mark _________ goes for walks.
Mark sometimes goes for walks.
I want that hat, _______ it looks cool!
I want that hat, because it looks cool!
_______ I want to eat a lot!
Because I want to eat a lot!
That's _______ I exercise regularly.
That's because I exercise regularly.
It's _______ I bought new shoes.
It's because I bought new shoes.
When do you _____ it will arrive?
When do you think it will arrive?
Would you _____ ____ is wrong?
Would you think that is wrong?
Do you _____ I can win tomorrow?
Do you think I can win tomorrow?
I _____ ____ my dog is cute.
I think that my dog is cute.
__ I can drive to the supermarket, I'll buy you some sweets.
If I can drive to the supermarket, I'll buy you some sweets.
I'm going to the beach __ you want to join me.
I'm going to the beach if you want to join me.
__ you want to play table tennis, please let me know.
If you want to play table tennis, please let me know.
____ are you free?
When are you free?
____ is your birthday?
When is your birthday?
____ would you like to go shopping?
When would you like to go shopping?
____ did you buy that bike?
When did you buy that bike?
____ do you go to Korea?
When do you go to Korea?