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Past Simple vs Past Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They ____ (drink) all the wine last night
Columbus _______ (discover) America in 1492.
Yesterday, the cowboy _________(ride) on a horse through the desert.
Kim _________(wear) gold gloves to the fashion show last year.
The seeds __________(grow) into tiny plants.
I ______(be) ill last week, so I didn't go to the party.
He _______ (break) his leg while he _______ (ski) in the Alps.
broke / was skiing
Claire ______ (go) to Egypt two years ago.
My sister and I ______(fly) a kite in the park when we _______ (meet) our cousins.
were flying / met
The girls ________ (surf) at this time last month.
were surfing
They were playing volleyball when the sun ________ (go) down
Yesterday I ________ (not go) to the cinema with my friends. I stayed at home.
didn't go
What _____ you _____ (do) at 9 o'clock last night? I _____ (watch) TV.
were you doing / was watching
When I ______(get) up this morning, my father _______ (listen) to the radio in the kitchen
got / was listening
They _______(use) the computer when the modem stopped working.
were using
Mandy _______(study) for an exam at 3 o'clock last Friday
was studying
Buddy ________ (live) in Italy when he was a child.
Tom _________(fall) off the ladder while he __________(paint) the room.
fell/ was painting
When ________ (you buy) the car? – I ________ (buy) it a few years ago.
did you buy/ bought
I ___________(read) in bed when I suddenly _______(hear) a scream.
was reading/ heard
It _____ (snow) when I ____ (leave) home this morning.
was snowing/ left
While my mother _________(run), she ______(see) a beautiful bird.
was running/ saw
I ________(meet) an old friend in town while I ________(do ) the shopping.
met/ was doing
When I _______(be) young, I __________(want) to be a pilot.
was/ wanted
Jessica ________(wear) a bright summer dress when I ________ (see) her on the street.
was wearing/ saw