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READER Round the World in 80 Days
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What happens at the end of chapter 3?
Where does Detective Fix go to catch Fogg?
To SUEZ train station
What does Fix need to arrest Fogg?
He needs a WARRANT
Why did Mr. Fogg decide to take the bet?
Because he wanted to prove he could travel round the world in 80 days.
How much money did Fogg and his friends bet?
They bet 20000 pounds or 4000 each.
Why did Phileas Fogg fire his previous servant?
Because he made a mistake. He brought the water at 30ª, not 31ª.
Why does Detective Fix want to catch Mr. Fogg?
Because he thinks that Mr. Fogg is the bank thief.
Why did Passpartout want to be Mr. Fogg's servant?
Because he wanted a quiet life.
Where is Passpartout from?
He is French.
Where do Mr. Fogg and his friends meet?
They meet in the Reform Club.
What is Phileas Fogg like?
He is serious, strict and cold.
Mention some characteristics of Passpartout
He is agile and strong. Also, he is a good man and he can do a lot of different jobs.