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Book 5 Unit 8 Recycling

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The book _________ (not/write) by Shakespeare
isn't written
The house ___________ (clean) every week.
is cleaned
_________ English _______ (speak) in Australia?
Is / spoken
Lunch ____________ (sell) at the school canteen
is sold
The British Museum ___________ (visit) by many people
is visited
________________ in the USA
Coca Cola is produced
______________ in Brazil
Coffe is grown
Where _____ clothes _________?
are / made
____________ in Germany?
Are cars produced
______________ in Spain
Oranges are grown
How paper is recycled: what step is this?
Use paper
Collect paper
Add water
Remove ink
How paper is recycled: what step is this?
Cut paper
Collect paper
Transport paper
Remove ink
How paper is recycled: what step is this?
Roll paper
Use paper
Collect paper
Cut paper
How paper is recycled: what step is this?
Add water
Wash paper
Use paper
Roll paper
How paper is recycled: what step is this?
Remove ink
Collect paper
Transport paper
Wash paper
How paper is recycled: what step is this?
Wash paper
Roll paper
Transport paper
Collect paper
How paper is recycled: what step is this?
Transport paper
Cut paper
Remove ink
Roll paper
How paper is recycled: what step is this?
Collect paper
Cut paper
Remove ink
Roll paper
What is this?
What is this?
A plastic bottle.
What is this?
What is this?
A lolly stick.
What is this?
A straw.
What is this?
An elastic band.
What is this?
A button.
What is this?
A bottle top.
What is this?
A cardboard box.
What is this?
A carton.
What is this?
A cardboard tube.
What is this?
A can.