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Kids Name 5 Things

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 things beginning with the letter "N"
nine, no...
Name 3 drinks
orange juice, milk, cola
Name 5 people in your family
mum, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, cousin
Name 5 farm animals
hen, chicken, duck, pig, horse, cow, sheep
Name 5 colours
orange, pink, blue, green, purple, light blue, beige, red
Name 5 things you like
I like...
Name 5 things you don't like
I don't like....
Name 5 sweet foods
chocolate, ice-cream, sweets, candy, biscuit, cake
Name 5  clothes
jumper, T-shirt,, jacket, jeans, trousers, hat, cap
Name 5 body parts
eyes, nose, ears, mouth, arms, fingers, legs, toes, hair, back, belly
Name 3 things in your school bag
book, copy book or exercise book, pencil case, rubber
Name 5 things in your pencil case
rubber/eraser, sharpener, pencil, pen, marker, crayon, ruler, money, paper clip,
Name 5 things in yourhouse
sofa, armchair, bath, window, door, chair, bed
Name 5 things on your desk
pen, pencil, wood, perer (sharpener), paper, book, laptop, computer, mouse, copy book (exercise book), lamp
Name 5 things beginning with the letter "T"
t-shirt, tea, tuesday, thursday, time, teacher, throw, teach, turn off
Name 5 things that begin with the letter "S"
sorry, sand, sea, soap, sun, sunday, sun, song, snake