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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name a food that you can eat the whole thing including its stem and flower.
Broccoli/ caulliflower
Which part of the plant are carrots?
Which part of the plant are oranges?
Give an example of good behavior during free-time activities?
Be on time/ be polite/ be respectful/ be helpful / pay attention to safety
Give a benefit of free-time activities
Keep fit/ train our minds/ make friends
The sun sets in the _____________.
The sun rises in the _____________.
Give a feature of night time
any reasonable answer
Give an example of physical activity
any reasonable answer
Give an example of mental activity
any reasonable answer
Give an example of nocturnal animals
owl/ fox/ leopard cat
Give an example of group activity
Any reasonable answer e.g volleyball, football, basketball
Which is more suitable to observe stars? city area / countryside?
During a day, the size and position of a shadow is ________.
Give an example of good use of time
Any reasonable answer
Yona didn't join French class because she is too busy (Benefits/Interests/Ability/Time/Cost)
Karl didn't join swimming class because he doesn't know how to swim (Benefits/Interests/Ability/Time/Cost)
Andrea didn't join Calligraphy class because she doesn't like it (Benefits/Interests/Ability/Time/Cost)
Give a function of a leaf
Take in air/ absorb sunlight
Name the parts of the plant that can be eaten
Fruit, stem, flower, leaf
Give three types of plant
Shrubs, trees, and climbing plants
Which part of the plant absorbs water and nutrients from the soil?