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Animals parts of body

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The wing of a bird is covered with …. of various sizes and types.
The ….. of an eagle reach a length of up to 1,2 metres!
What are these?
These are CLAWS.
Lions have huge and picky…. .
The hair along the horse's neck is called the …. .
What are these? 🐾
These are PAWS.
The lion has the biggest and most beautiful …. .
What is it?
It’s a TAIL
The …. of a dog is not as scary and loud as a bear
What is the lion doing right now?
The lion is GROWLING.
The tiger ….. is scary and loud.
The skin of many animals is protected by….
What can you see on the picture?
I can see different HORNS on the picture
What are these?
These are hooves.
…. protects animals from cold.
wool / fur
What are these?
These are tusks.
The nose of an elephant is called….