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English 6_Review 02

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A. customer B. sweater C. assistant D. medium
A. market B. puppet C. parade D. magic
A. stores B. temples C. houses D. families
Would you like some ___? I'd like some ice cream.
I like these shorts. Can I try it/them on?
How much are that/those shoes?
Name 3 sizes of clothes
Large - Medium - Small
What do people do at Tet?
decorate the house, wear new clothes, give lucky money, eat traditional food
My mom took my brother to a ___. He really liked the dancing puppets.
puppet show
buy/at the book store./new books/My parents/usually
My parents usually buy new books at the book store.
Name 3 adverbs of frequency
always, usually, often, sometimes, never
___ people make their friends laugh.
___ people only think about themselves.
She's going to ___. It's going to have cheese and tomatoes on it.
make a cake
They (have) ___ a picnic at the park this weekend.
are having
Tom/tall/short/black hair.
Tom is tall and has short black hair.
She has ___ eyes.
big green
She has ___ hair.
long curly blond
Name 3 outdoor activities
swimming, playing football, playing basketball
Name 3 indoor activities
playing chess, reading books, drawing
I like to learn about plants and how they grow. I like history/IT/biology.
I like physics and/or P.E.
3 school subjects
math, literature, English, music, biology, physics, history, geography
Name 4 directions
east, west, south, north
Who does the laundry in your family?
My mom does the laundry in my family.
Does she (live) ___ in a house? - No, she doesn't. She (live) ___ in an apartment.
live - lives
It is a place where you park your car at home.
3 housework
doing the dishes, doing the laundry, making dinner, making the bed, cleaning the kitchen