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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Losing _____ me _____.
Losing makes me angry.
Henry ___ ____ many TV shows.
Henry has seen many TV shows
He ___ ____ the new season.
He has seen the new season.
____ you ____ the news?
Have you seen the news?
She ___ _____ ____ a live soccer match.
She has never seen a live soccer match.
Watching this movie _____ me __________ to read the book.
Watching this movie makes me interested to read the book.
She ___ _____ been to France.
She has never been to France.
He ___ _____ played tennis.
He has never played tennis.
____ you ____ the new trailer? It _____ me so _______!
Have you seen the new trailer? It makes me so excited!
Practice _____ you ______ at swimming.
Practice makes you better at swimming.
All this homework _____ me ____.
All this homework makes me busy.
No, I ____ ___ been to the gym.
No, I have not been to the gym.
Running _____ me _____.
Running makes me tired.
____ you ever ____ a boxing match?
Have you ever seen a boxing match?
I ____ ____ slam dunk.
I have seen slam dunk.
Lisa ___ _____ ____ a gorilla.
Lisa has never seen a gorilla.
John ___ _____ read a book.
John has never read a book.
This final match _____ me _______.
This final match makes me nervous.
Rain _____ me ___.
Rain makes me sad.
____ you ____ the weather?
Have you seen the weather?
Playing music _____ me _____!
Playing music makes me happy!