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ESOL L1 Revision Quiz
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What is the area of the shaded region? (3 sf)
The pie chart shows the breakdown of 2022/23. 36 games were played in total. How many games did Arsenal win?
Taylor Swift has an estimated wealth of $570 million, rounded to the nearest million . What is this as an error interval?
$569.5 million ≤ n < $570.5 million
Between them, Serena and Venus Williams have an average top serve speed of 128.8mph. Venus is slightly faster than Serena with a top speed of 129 mph. What is Serena's top speed?
128.6 mph
In the 2020 Paralympic Games, the UK got 124 medals, the USA 104 and Brazil 72. Write this as a ratio in it's simplest form.
31 : 26 : 18
Olympic swimming pools are 50 meters long, 25 meters wide, and 2 meters deep. How many litres of water does it take to fill one of these pools?
2,500,000 litres (1m³ = 1000 litres)
The diagram shows a running track. How far will you run if you go round the outside once? Round to the nearest integer.
Using the formula V = 4/3 πr³, calculate the volume of a basketball with a diameter of 12cm. (1dp)
904.8 cm³
In 2019, Lionel Messi made around $141 million. The top female player Carli Lloyd made $518,000. What is Lloyd's earnings as a percentage of Messi's? (1dp)
What is the density of a football weighing 420g with a volume of 5575cm³? (g/cm³) (3dp)
Beyonce and Rihanna have won Grammy awards in the ratio 11:4. Beyonce has won 14 more awards then Rihanna. How many awards have they won between them?
Usain Bolt can run 100m in just under 10 seconds. What is his speed in kmph? What assumption have you made in your answer?
36kmph. Assuming her can run at the same speed for an hour.