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Phrases - Gold experience b2+ Unit 5 Vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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________, we find ourselves dealing with problems caused by their carelessness.
Yet again
After several minutes she finally started her car and ______.
sped off
A suspect has been _______ by the police for questioning.
A crowd of curious ______ soon gathered to see what was happening.
Students and ______ get cheaper bus and train tickets.
She's always been completely _______ in her children. Toys, clothes, games - only that topics were interesting for her.
wrapped up
I just couldn't _________ talk to him about it. It's too hard for me.
bring myself to
Despite harsh criticism, she's _________ on this issue.
sticking to her guns
Yesterday I ignored an old woman who asked me for money in the street, and it's been on my ________ ever since.
You know you’ll __________ if you forget to do it, so just do it now!
kick yourself
I think he's still _________ the death of his wife.
coming to terms with
I was overcome emotionally and it took me some time to ________ myself.
When Frank suggested coming to stay for a couple of days, ________ started ______ in my head.
alarm bells started to ring
Things got a little __________ at the party and three windows were broken.
out of hand
She wasn't hurt but was very ________.
shaken up
French forces ____________ their allies, but were defeated a second time on 21 February 1919.
came to aid
I tried to ____ him ______ on where the money would come from.
pin down
He __________ and managed to wrestle the knife from his attacker's hands.
fought back
We can't _________ while millions of people starve.
stand by
That's your new car? You're _________!
having me on
She's not afraid to ___________ senior members of staff if she thinks they're wrong about something.
stand up to
Are you serious or are you just trying to_________?
wind me up
There's no need to _______ - you can sing as well as anyone.
hang back
They were hoping to sell their car for £2,000, but ________ £1,500.
settled for
She __________ the chance to go to Paris
jumped at
He's always getting into trouble for __________ in class.
fooling around
The heat was beginning to ________ me, so I went indoors.
get to