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Jobs We Do - High Five 4 Unit 8

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do carpenters have to wear a uniform?
No, they don't.
Do vets have to like animals?
Yes, they do.
Do lawyers have to go to university?
Yes, they do.
Do dentists have to wear a helmet?
No, they don't.
Who helps your pet when it is ill?
A vet helps your pet when it is ill.
Who fixes your car when it does not work?
A mechanic fixes your car when it does not work.
Who brings your food in a restaurant?
A waiter brings your food in a restaurant.
A garage is a place _______ ___ ____________ _______.
A garage is a place where a mechanic works.
A workshop is a place _______ ___ ____________ _______.
A workshop is a place where a carpenter works.
An artist ____ ____ __________ _____ in a studio.
An artist is a person who works in a studio.
A waiter ____ ____ __________ _____ works in a restaurant.
A waiter is a person who works in a restaurant.
A photographer ____ ____ __________ _____ takes photos.
A photographer is a person who takes photos.
A chef ____ ____ __________ _____ works in a kitchen.
A chef is a person who works in a kitchen.
Where does a lawyer work?
A lawyer works in an office.
Where does a carpenter work?
A carpenter works in a workshop.
Where do workers make things?
Workers make things in a factory.
Where does a mechanic work?
A mechanic works in a garage.
Where does a hairdresser work?
A hairdresser works in a salon.
Where does a dentist work?
A dentist works in a clinic.
What job is this?
What job is this?
What job is this?
What job is this?
What job is this?
What job is this?
What job is this?
What job is this?
What job is this?
What job is this?
What job is this?
What job is this?