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( 4A ) Spring Week 15 Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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the toys belong to the children
the children's toys
the uniforms of the men
the men's uniforms
the wool of the sheep
the sheep's wool
(PL / PO) Anita is 4 [years] old.
Plural: salmon
Plural: goose
Plural: moose
Plural: wheat
Plural: foot
Plural: mouse
Plural: sheep
True / False: Mountain climbers use special equipment to deal with low temperature and air pressure.
True / False: Weather scientists often collect data from a place called a weather station.
True / False: If the air around us feels damp and sticky, we call the weather temperature.
False (humid)
True / False: Deserts usually have very high humidity.
False (low)
True / False: Humidity on Earth’s surface never reaches zero.
a device that measures the direction of the wind
wind vane (n.)
a measure of how much moisture(water) is in the air
humidity (n.)
the force of air pushing on an area
air pressure (n.)
a device that measures the wind speed
anemometer (n.)
I never ask Mark ______ the dishes after dinner. (do)
to do
He really needs a friend ________ him. (help)
to help
You don’t need _________ about me. (worry)
to worry
She promises ________ her room by 2:30. (clean)
to clean
Mike loves _________ a picnic in the park. (have)
to have
( Infinitives ) We hope _________ (travel) to Japan next month.
to travel
( Infinitives ) I would like ___________ (play) soccer with you.
to play
( Infinitives ) I forgot ________ (go) to piano class yesterday.
to go
( Infinitives ) I would like ________ (go) to the park with you.
to go
( Infinitives ) I learn __________ (speak) Japanese every Friday.
to speak
( Infinitives ) They need ___________ (buy) a new car.
to buy
( Infinitives ) We decide _____________ (run) to school because we are late.
to run
Which of these is most likely true about Felipe? a) He is cruel. b) He is kind and wise. c) He is honest.
a) He is cruel.
Why did Vieja Sabia turn Ranita into a frog? a) Ranita stole Sabia’s golden arrow. b) Ranita refused to give her a drink from the well. c). Ranita’s parents were rude to her.
b) Ranita refused to give her a drink from the well.
What promise did Ranita ask Felipe to make?   a) She asked him to give her the golden arrow.     b) She asked him to marry her.    c) She asked him to kiss her when the sun came out.
c) She asked him to kiss her when the sun came out.
Where did the story Ranita the frog princess take place?
in Mexico
a house in the country or mountains where people can stay when they want to go hunting, shooting
lodge ( n. )
someone whose job is to cook, clean, or do other work in someone else’s home
servant ( n. )
not thinking of others and only thinking of your own happiness
selfish ( adj. )
bad-tempered; irritable; easily made angry
cranky ( adj. )
frustrated ( adj. )
an angry or serious talk given to someone in order to criticize their behavior
lecture ( n. )