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Vocation Unit 3- Resume
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Someone who works for themselves or is the owner of a business. Seasonal, Self Employed, Apprentice
Someone who receives a wage, has tax taken out by their employer. Casual, Self employed, employed
An official document that gives permission to a foreigner or minor to work under limited circumstances. Work permit, Employed, Self employed
Work Permit
An employee that is hired to work when there is an increase in business such as around the holidays. Full-time, Part-time, Seasonal
A person has a contract with a company but invoices their work, uses their own equipment, and has their own insurance. Contractor, Apprentice, Internship
Someone who receives training from an employer, and earns a qualification at the end of the training. Full-time, Apprentice, Internship
Someone that is asked for short irregular periods of work with no guarantee of regular hours. Casual, Fixed-term, Contractor
An employee that has a contract to work for a specified period of time. Apprentice, Fixed-term, Casual
An employee that works more than 35 hours per week. Full-time, Part-time, Seasonal
A position taken by a student or trainee who works to gain experience or fulfill a qualification without pay. Internship, Full-time, Apprentice
An employee that works less than 35 hours a week. Full-time, Part-time, Seasonal
A person who performs services or a non-profit organization without compensation. Internship, Volunteer, Apprentice
Abilities that help someone perform or excel at a certain job. References, Letter of recommendation, Job skills
Job skills
A list of school/places attended and degrees/certificates earned. Education, Job skills, References
A list of places someone has worked at and gained job skill experience. Work history, Personal Info, Letter of recommendation
Work history
Information consisting of your name, address, phone, number and email address. Work history, Personal info, Letter of recommendation
Personal Info
Someone that serves as the point of contact for employers seeking to verify or ask questions about a potential employee's background or skills. Education, Job skills, References
A letter written by a supervisor that has evaluated your skills, work, habits, and achievements, and is recommending you for a job you are applying for. Work history, Personal info., Letter of recommendation
Letter of recommendation