Edit Game
1A-E Week 12

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Create a definition for the word SONterrous.
Something that really sounds scary.
Create a definition for the word midSONar.
When sound changes direction or volume in the middle.
Create a definition for the work SONic
Something that has to do with sound.
Use the picture to create a word using IC and create a definition.
Answers will vary.
Use the picture to create a word using IC and create a definition.
Answers will vary.
Use the picture to create a word using IC and create a definition.
Answers will vary.
Use the picture to create a word using MID and create a definition.
Answers will vary.
Use the picture to create a word using MID and create a definition.
Answers will vary.
Use the picture to create a word using MID and create a definition.
Answers will vary.
My grandmother tells __________ stories about when she was young.
She spent 2 hours _________ her hair after she washed it.
The branch _______ when she stood on it.
Make sure to wait for the ______ to change before crossing.
I like to ______ in the water on vacation.
__________ waves travel at around 300 meters per second.
There was a ______ of bees living in a tree.
They painted the _______  blue for their baby boy.
The teacher _______ the students for fighting.
Fish swim _______ so they don't run into each other.
The food was so __________ that she ate too much.
He was ________ and couldn't breath because he ran so much.