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5/25 Math Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When is Mrs. Shapiro's birthday?
What are the first 5 digits in the decimal for pi?
What is a student loan?
Money borrowed to pay for school/college
What is it called when you owe money?
What is the building where you put money to save it or to spend it?
What does this equal?
RANDOM TRIVIA: How many oceans are there?
5 (Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Indian, Southern)
What is the degree that comes after a Bachelor's degree? (if you did the sub work, you should know!)
Master's degree
Who was running faster?
Solve this equation for x
x = -12
TRUE or FALSE: Health insurance pays for all your medical bills.
FALSE - Health insurance helps to cover the costs.
Fill in the blank: A loan is money borrowed then paid back with ____________.
What is the rate of change in this function?
3/1 = 3
What is the name of Chris Pratt's character in Guardians of the Galaxy/MCU?
Star Lord (Peter Quill)
What month is Mrs. Walters' birthday?
What is it called when you spend money? A)Expense B)Income C)Tax D)Budget
A) Expense
What is a savings or safety net for unexpected expenses?
Emergency fund/savings
TRUE or FALSE: Gross income is the money you earn before taxes and deductions.
TRUE or FALSE: Money that you spend is considered your income.
Name 4 types of insurance!
Health, dental, vision, life, car, home, etc.
What is the correct term for the money you actually take home, from work, after taxes and deductions?
Net Pay