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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three films that __________ (show) in the cinema this year
Fast and furious X, Super Mario Bros, The Little Mermaid, Asterix & Obelix, El gato con botas, etc
Name three things that ___________ (invent) in the last 25 years
Smartwatches, wireless earphones, electric cars, video doorbell, etc
Name three popular Netflix series that _______________ (watch) now
Queen Charlotte, The Bridgerton, Outlander, Emily in Paris, The crown, etc
Name three popular TV series that ____________ (watch) in your country some years ago
Aquí no hay quien viva, Aida, Los serrano, Los protegidos, Física y Química,etc
Name three famous buildings that __________ (build) more than 1000 years ago
The coliseum in Rome, The Parthenon in Greece, The Great Wall of China
Name three national dishes that ____________ (eat) in your country
Paella, Spanish Ham, Gazpacho (Andalusian Cold Tomato Soup), etc
Name three animals that ___________ (find) in Africa
Lions‚ rhinos‚ cheetahs‚ giraffes‚ antelope, hippos, leopards, zebras, etc
Name three languages that ______________ (speak) in Europe
Spanish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Greek, Irish, English, etc
Name three singers who ____________ (born) in the UK
Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles, John Lenon, Dua Lipa, etc
Name three sports that ___________ (play) in teams
Basketball, football, rugby, baseball, badminton, volleyball, etc
Name three programs that __________ (install) on your computer
Microsoft word, avast antivirus, adobe, etc
Name three things that ______________ (use) by artists
Canvas, brush, ink, paints, etc.
Name three books that ___________ (make) into films
To kill a mockingbird, Forrest Gump, The Wizard of Oz, Little Women, etc