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Food and Drink

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One of the worlds favorite food. It is fried and is not very healthy.
Fried Chicken
Very popular Italian food. Famous all over the world
Spaghetti and Meat Balls
Popular fruit drink. What is the name?
Orange Juice
This food is cheap and comes with salt and must be warmed up for a few minutes. What food is this?
This drink is popular in every country and comes free at many restaurants
This is the easiest answer you will ever get in my class.... What Drink is this...
This drink is the #1 drink in Asia and comes in many flavors and comes with bubbles
Milk Tea!
This drink is purple and made from a purple fruit that is very sweet
Grape Juice
This food is popular in many western countries ( Hint: It's cheesy mixed with pasta and it is 2 words. First word starts with M)
Macaroni and Cheese
These snacks can be found at any corner store or any store that sells food
Potato Chips
This food is famous in Japan and the meat is raw (uncooked)
This drink is made from a sour fruit....but, once add sugar it becomes delicious!
This Drink is one of the most popular drinks in
Milo Chocolate Milk!
This food is popular in South/South East Asia and it is spicy!
This food was invented in the United States and as found popularity in almost every country
This famous food can be found in most street corners in the world.
French Fries
What famous snack is found all over the world and loved by millions?
Chocolate/Candy Bar!