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1st Grade Library Trivia

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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TRUE OR FALSE: The theme in the library this year was Disneyland.
FALSE! Nintendo
TRUE OR FALSE: The label on the side of a book that helps you find it in the library is called the ADDRESS.
FALSE! Call Number
TRUE OR FALSE: The part of the book connecting the front and back covers is called the SPINE.
TRUE OR FALSE: Hundreds of books win the Newbery medal each year.
FALSE! There is only one winner.
TRUE OR FALSE: During our game of "Mystery in the Library", the treasure chest was stolen by Ms. Amanda.
FALSE! Mrs. Falconer borrowed the treasure chest
TRUE OR FALSE: A GRAPHIC NOVEL is story is told mostly in pictures and the characters speak in word bubbles. Not sure where to find them? Check for a green dot on the spine.
TRUE! Graphic Novel
NAME THAT BOOK: Name 1 of the 3 most checked out books in 2024.
1. Minecraft Combat Handbook 2. Minecraft Guide to Redstone 3. 5 Minute Bluey Stories
NAME THAT BOOK: In this book, readers are encouraged to look deeper as they accompany Finn and a his grandfather on a walk in the woods.
Beneath by Cori Doerfeld
NAME THAT BOOK: In this book, a Viking falls in love with a seafaring maiden and struggles to overcome his fear of water. There may or may not be kitten tossing...
Viking in Love
NAME THAT BOOK: In this silly pirate book, you determine the characters, what to bring, the destination and the final reward. Anyone need a lifetime supply of toiler paper?
Pirate Adventure
NAME THAT BOOK: In this detective book, you must solve various crimes and puzzles. Don't know the answer, just lift the flap!
Sleuth and Solve
NAME THAT BOOK: In this book, a kid and his family are sent a penguin every day for a whole year! Can you find Chilly with her little blue feet?
365 Penguins
This form of nature poetry originates from Japan and has three lines arranged in 5/7/5 syllables. Did you have one in your pocket April 18th?
NAME THAT BOOK: In this book, winner of the Spring Lake Caldecott award, a small spider must struggle to survive in a backyard jungle.
Jumper by Jessica Lanan
NAME THAT BOOK: This book, which won the Caldecott last year, follows a little dog on a very warm summer day.
Hot Dog
TRUE OR FALSE: The word ILLUSTRATOR describes the person who wrote the words in the book.
FALSE! Author
TRUE OR FALSE: The word AUTHOR describes the artist who draws the pictures in a book.
FALSE! Illustrator
TRUE OR FALSE: A BIOGRAPHY is a type of book that tells the story of a real person's life and is written by someone else.
NAME THAT BOOK! In this book (which won the Caldecott medal), hurtful words have a big impact on a little girl.
Big by Vashti Harrison
TRUE OR FALSE: The name given to a book is known as the TICKLE.
False! Title
TRUE OR FALSE: The word FICTION describes books written about real people, places and events.
False! Nonfiction
TRUE OR FALSE: The name of the award given for outstanding children's book illustration is the CALDECOTT AWARD.
TRUE OR FALSE: The Newbery Award is given to children's books with outstanding AUTHORS, not ILLUSTRATORS.
What is Ms. Chelsea's last name?