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Physics II

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the energy transformation for a lamp?
Electrical --> light; thermal
The Law of Conservation of Energy says that: Energy cannot be _____________ or ________________.
created; destroyed
When ice melts in a coke, how does the heat travel?
From the coke to the ice
When Beyonce's ice cream melts as she eats it, how does the heat travel?
From her body (hand or mouth) to the ice cream
Tammy is baking pizza for dinner. What is the main type of heat transfer that is happening inside of the oven?
Tammy is preparing to cook shrimp on the stove. What type of heat transfer is happening while the shrimp are cooking?
Tammy is boiling water to make ramen noodles. What type of heat transfer is happening inside of the pot?
What type of energy does a motor/engine give us?
Mechanical (Kinetic)
What type of energy do wind turbines require? (Solar, Mechanical, Electrical, or Chemical?)
Mechanical (Kinetic)
What type of energy is stored in coal?
Chemical Energy
What type of energy transfer do we see in a hot air balloon?
What type of energy transfer do we see in microwaves, ovens, and toasters?
What is the energy transformation for a fan?
Electrical --> mechanical;sound
What type of energy is stored in a match?
What is the energy transformation of a flashlight?
Chemical--> Electrical --> Light
What type of potential energy is stored inside of a battery?
What type of potential energy is stored inside of food?
Heat travels from _______________temperatures to ________________ temperatures.
warmer; cooler or hotter; colder
Heat transfer that involves electromagnetic waves is called ____________________.
When warm air rises and cool air sinks it is called ___________________.
Which type of heat transfer involves direct touch?