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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You ______________ quietly in the lake.
You are swimming loudly in the lake.
They _____________ quietly in the forest.
They are hiking in the forest.
I ____________ dangerously in the mountains.
I am climbing in the mountains.
She _____________ slowly in the river.
She is snorkelling in the river.
You ___________ carefully on the lake.
You are rowing on the river.
They _______________ slowly in the forest.
They are horse riding in the forest.
We _______________ dangerously in the forest.
We are cycling / mountain biking in the forest.
I ______________ quickly in the town.
I am skateboarding in the town.
They ______________ loudly in the town.
We are parachuting in the town.
We _____________ loudly in the park.
We are playing volleyball in the park.
We ___________ dangerously in the mountains.
We are skiing dangerously in the mountains.
They ________ quickly on the lake.
They are ice-skating quickly on the lake.
She ________ carefully on the river.
She is canoeing carefully on the river.
He ________ slowly in the town.
He is cycling slowly in the town.