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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Queen of sextortion arrested over British teens' / teens / teen's suicide.
teen's suicide
The girls were imprisoned in the tough Ancon 2 prison. Use 'notorious' as an adverb.
... in the notoriously tough Ancon 2 prison.
The scammer stole explicit photo's / photos from his targets.
The 28-year-old / 28 years old served two years in a maximum security prison.
The 28-year-old
The Peru Two were ... with 11 kilos of cocaine. (catch)
Irelands / Ireland's / Irelands' infamous drug mule
The carabinieri arrested an alleged/allegedly baby boss who is 16 years old.
Two boys were testing ... (hun) gun.
If they are under 14, they can't be ... liable for their crimes.
The police sent reinforcements even though the army ... ... deployed. (Past Perfect)
HAD BEEN deployed
The police ... reinforcement to the area. (send, Simple Past)
Young mafia members are more ruthless ... the older mobsters.
Mafia gangs are being run by kids, because the old bosses ... all ... arrested or killed. Passive Voice
HAVE all BEEN arrested
Theo met his tragic fate at the Lighthouse. Use terrible as adverb.
Theo met his terribly tragic fate at the Lighthouse.
Junkies gathered at a squatter house. Use regular as adverb.
Junkies gathered regularly.
The same man alleged/allegedly dropped a bombshell.
The police investigated the case. Use 'thorough' as an adverb.
The police investigated the case thoroughly.
Rescuers look for Theo around the Lighthouse. Use 'frantic' as an adverb.
Rescuers look frantically for Theo.