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Animals, People, and Caring

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of a baby deer?
A fawn
What is the name of a baby goose?
A gosling.
What is a habitat?
The natural home or environment of an animal.
List the 5 classifications of animals.
Birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and mammals.
How do elephants lift things?
They use their strong trunks
What is a camels hump made of?
What is the name of baby dolphin?
A calf
What is the name of a baby pig?
A piglet
What is the name for a baby duck?
A duckling
What is the name for a baby horse?
A foal
What goals do you have for this school year?
Student's answer.
How do human children keep their parents busy?
Possible answer: human parents need to feed their children, keep them warm, and protect them.
Describe what clownfish fathers do to care for their eggs.
Clownfish fathers guards the eggs and keeps the eggs clean.
What does the word, 'hatch' mean?
To come out of an egg.
How does the mother wallaby communicate with her baby?
She stomps on the ground.
When will a baby swan leave its parents?
When they are old enough to fly, they will leave their parents.
What is a 'den'?
A home for animals that is hidden.
What are the 2 genders of animals?
Female and Male
What is the antonym of 'human'?
What is the "Big Question?" for Reading 1?
Why is it important for to take care of their young?
Why does the mother raccoon move her family?
The mother raccoon worries that other animals might find her den.
Which parent takes care of the raccoon babies? Give examples.
Only female raccoons take care of the babies. A mother might have four babies to take care of alone. The mother raccoon teaches them to care for themselves.
What are raccoons like when they are born?
Raccoon babies are very small when they are born. They cannot stand or open their eyes.
List three things you know about raccoons.
additional possible answers: raccoons are nocturnal, their faces look like masks, they are about cat-size.
How are human parents and animal parents similar?
They both take care of their young and protect them from harm.
How do both male and female emperor penguins take care of their babies?
They take turns watching them while the other parent goes out in search of food.
What is a baby wallaby called?
A baby wallaby is called a 'joey'.
Where do mother raccoons leave their babies when they look for food?
They leave the babies in their den
Why is it hard for baby swans to escape danger on their own?
They cannot fly for many months after they are born.
What goal did you have last year? <give a detailed answer>
student's answer
Have you ever said no to a challenge? Why? <give a detailed answer?
student's answer
My mother told me to __________ my little brother in the game I was playing.
He accepted his friend's __________ to ride his bike up the steep hill.
Her most important __________ in life was to be an astronaut.
What academic word means, something you want to achieve.
What academic word means, include, or be part of.
What academic word means, something hard to do.
A bird SENDS A MESSAGE TO other birds when it sings.
Baby animals feel SAFE when their mothers are near.
Birds feed worms to their SMALL BABIES.
Shells GIVE A SAFE PLACE TO turtles and snails
A mother __________ with her babies by making sounds.
Adult animals teach their __________ how to care for themselves.
Baby wallabies feel warm and __________ in their mother's pouch.
Most animals __________ their babies from danger.