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Comparisons (Comparative adjectives)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Compare GIRL 1 and GIRL 2 with the adjective CURLY and STRAIGHT.
Girl 1 has curlier hair than girl 2. Girls 2 has straighter hair than girl 1.
Who has straigher hair? The girls with blond hair or the girl with red hair?
The girl with blond hair has straigher hair than the girl with red hair.
Who is more hansome? Sebastian Rully or Daniel Arenas?
Compare UGLY BETTY and ARMANDO MENDOZA with the adjective ATTRACTIVE.
Armando Mendoza is more attractive than Ugly Betty.
Who is more talented? Ozuna or Camilo?
Camilo is more talented than Ozuna.
Compare BOY 1 and BOY 2 with the adjectives in the picture.
Boy 1 is faster than boy 2. Boy 2 is slower than boy 1.
Compare BOY 1 and BOY 2 with the adjectives in the picture.
Boy 1 is stronger than boy 2 Boy 2 is weaker than boy 1.
Who is thinner? Adele or Taylor Swift? Who is a bit more overweight?
Taylor is thinner than Adele. Adele is a bit more overweight.
Compare the BOY and the GIRL with the adjectives in the picture.
The boy is noiser than the girls. The girls is quieter than the boy.
Who is tanner ? Selena or Taylor?
Selena Gómez is tanner than Taylor Swift.
Compare these fish with the adjective BIG
Fish 1 is bigger than fish 2
Compare THE GRANPA and THE CHILDREN with the adjectives in the picture.
The grandpa is older than the children. The children are younger than the grandpa.