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End of Year!

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Count to 20 as fast as you can!
Describe your school year in 3 words.
Say your ABCs as fast as you can!
Act out something you like to do in the summer time.
Give a fist bump to everyone who wants one!
Who is one of the best artists in our class?
What is a memory you will keep about this year?
What do you hope you learn more about next year?
Tell your teacher something you have loved about being in their class!
Who in class has helped you recently? Go tell them "thank you" for what they did.
Tell one of your friends something that makes them a good friend!
Give a high five to everyone in the class who wants one!
What is something you are excited about for next school year?
What is something you are excited about for summer?
What is something you liked learning about this year?
Who is the best dancer in our class?
Who is one of the best athletes in our class?
who is a great listener in our class?
who is one of the hardest working kids in our class?
who is one of the funniest kids in our class?
Who is one the kindest kids in our class?
Give a compliment to someone in your class!
What was your favorite recess game to play?
What was your favorite school breakfast or lunch?
What was the best movie or show that you watched?
What is something you learned how to do this year?
What special was your favorite and why?