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Game Revision 2.2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the cheapest thing you're wearing today?
The cheapest thing I'm waring today is...
What's the most expensive car in your country?
... is the most expensive car in my country
Who is the most beautiful actress on TV in your country?
... is the most beautiful actress on TV in my country
Is the USA farther from Mexico than Canada?
No, the USA isn't farther from Mexico than Canada. It's nearer
Is a salad worse than hamburgers?
No, a salad isn't worse than hamburgers. It's better than hamburgers
Can you see anything triangular in this room?
Yes, I can see something triangular in this room (tip of the crayons)
Are you in shape?
Yes, I'm in shape / No, I'm not in shape
Is a watch bigger than a clock?
No, a watch isn't bigger than a clock. It's smaller than a clock
Do you have to clean your room when it's dirty?
Yes, I have to clean my room when it's dirty
Can you move your body?
Yes, I can move my body
Do you have to pass a driving test before driving a car in the streets?
Yes, I have to pass a driving test before driving a car in the streets
Do you prefer driving a Ferrari instead of driving a Fiat?
Yes, I prefer driving a Ferrari instead of driving a Fiat
Is it easy to pass a driving test?
No, it isn't easy to pass a driving test. It's difficult
What documents do you generally need to travel abroad?
I generally need a passport and a visa to travel abroad
What documents do people generally carry with them?
People generally carry a driving licence and an Identity card (ID) with them
Do women usually carry a handbag on their shoulders?
Yes, women usually carry a handbag on their shoulders
Do we use a gerund or an infinitive after the verbs "want" and "have"?
We use an infinitive after the verbs "want" and "have"
What do we do when we have two verbs together in a sentence?
When we have two verbs together in a sentence, we have to use either a gerund or an infinitive
What kinds of shoes can you buy at a shoe shop?
You can buy dress shoes, sandals, high heels, boots and trainers (sneakers) at a shoe shop
Where can you buy clothes?
You can buy clothes at a clothes shop or at a department store