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Library 22/23

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In which section of the library would you find a book with the call number "FIC WOL"?
The fiction section
This genre is typically written in lines and organized in stanzas. (Did you have a work of this genre in your pocket on April 18th?)
This picture book urges the reader to look deeper as they accompany Finn and his grandfather on a walk in the woods.
Beneath by Cori Doerrfeld
This picture book about a girl who is made to feel small won big this year, earning the Caldecott Award and two Coretta Scott King Honors for illustration and writing in 2024.
Big by Vashti Harrison
This picture book about a canine's trip to cool off at the beach won the National Caldecott Award in 2023.
Hot Dog
In this type of story, the reader becomes a detective and must solve a crime or a puzzle.  Mrs. Falconer, have you seen my treasure chest?
This picture book about a tiny spider won the Spring Lake Elementary Caldecott Award this year.
This type of book tells the story of a real person's life and is written in their own words.
This is the name of the label put on the spine of a book to help you find it.
Call Number
What is the name of the award given for outstanding children's book illustration?
The Caldecott Award
The Newbery Award is given to children's books with outstanding authors or illustrators?
This term is used to describe the summary found on the back or inner cover of a book. *Hint: It rhymes with curb.*
The Blurb
In which section of the library would you find a book with the call number "978.4 SCH"?
In which section of the library would you find a book with the call number "E BLA"?
Picture Books/Early Reader
What is the name of the association that awards the Newbery and Caldecott medals?
The American Library Association
In which section of the library would you find a book with the call number "GN TEL"?
Graphic Novel
This system of library organization divides knowledge into categories and assigns each book a number so material can be easily found in any library.
The Dewey Decimal System
This literary award is given to outstanding African American authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults.
Coretta Scott King Award
Stories in this genre may include magic, imaginary creatures, talking objects and a battle between good and evil.
In this genre of fiction, the reader makes choices that effect the direction of the story. Some refer to it as "choose your own adventure".
Interactive Fiction
This genre of fiction takes place in the contemporary world, features true-to-life situations, but the characters are are fictional.
Realistic Fiction
This genre is defined by action. Typically, the main character goes on an epic journey, either personally or geographically.
The purpose of this genre is to be funny.
Humorous Fiction
This genre is meant to scare, startle, shock, and even repulse.