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Religion Chapter 3

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What are examples of different types of vocations? (4)
Single life, marriage, religious life, and ordained minister
is a calling to a way of life
What are the signs of the Sacrament of Matrimony?
Couple and rings
The sacrament of matrimony enables a couple to share their faith with their ______ and to serve the _____ and the ______
family; church; community
In the sacrament of matrimony, a man and a woman _____ to love each other as God loves them
What are the signs of the sacrament of Holy Orders?
the vestments
Ordained ministers have different _____ and _____ in serving the church
Roles and duties
Some men are called to serve God as ________ _______ in the Church as _______, ______, or _______.
ordained ministers; bishops, priests, or deacons
Through the sacrament of Holy Orders, the _______ and ______ of Jesus Christ continues in the Church
mission; authority
The Sacraments of Service are: (2)
Holy Orders and Matrimony
What is the sign of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick?
The oil of the sick
The priest will ______ the person, and the person is given the _____ to respond to their illness with ______
anoint; grace; hope
Anointing of the Sick may be celebrated during Sunday or weekday ____, at the ____ of the sick, or in the _______
mass; home; hospital
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is for those who are _____ or are _____
very sick or near death
What is the sign of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
Once you receive the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, your relationship with God and the Church is made ____ _____
whole again
_________ forgive sins in the name of _____ and the Church through the power of the _______ ______
Priests; Christ; Holy Spirit
Those who are ______ ______ confess their sins and are ______
truly sorry; forgiven
To continue his saving work, Jesus gave the _________ the authority to ______ and to ____ in His name
apostles; forgive; heal
The Sacraments of Healing are _______________ and ______________
Penance and Reconciliation; Anointing of the Sick
Sharing in God's goodness and responding to His love by the way we live
Common Vocation: ____________
the call to holiness and evangelization that all Christians share
As members of the church, we share a _________ ________
common vocation
What are the 2 signs of the sacrament of the Eucharist?
bread and wine
As a community of faith, we are _________ by the Eucharist
The Eucharist is also connected to our __________
The Eucharist is the Sacrament of the _______ and _____ of Christ
Body and Blood
What are the 2 signs of the sacraments of confirmation?
Oil and Holy Spirit
Confirmation continues what ________ has begun. It strengthens us to live as Christ's _________.
Baptism; followers
In the sacrament of confirmation, we are sealed with _____________________
the gifts of the Holy Spirit
What are the signs of the sacrament of baptism? (2)
Water and Chrism
We are freed from ________ ______ and all of our personal sins are forgiven
original sin
In Baptism, we become _______ ____ ______ and members of the church
Children of God
In Baptism, we are united to _______ and become part of the Body of Christ and the people of God
The Sacraments of Initiation are: __________, ____________, _________
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
Christian Initiation:_________________
is the process of becoming a member of the church
Sanctifying grace: _______________
the gift of sharing in God's life that we receive in the sacraments
an effective sign given to us by Jesus through which we share God's life
________ truly bring about what they represent
Jesus instituted or ______ the Sacraments so that His _____ _____ would continue for all time
began; saving work
The ______ itself is a sign of God's love and care
After Jesus returned to His Father the _______ ______ helped the disciples to be signs of Jesus' life
Holy Spirit
_________ is the greatest sign of God's love
A __________ stands for or tells us about something