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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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3 advantages of wind power
cheap to run, nenewable, clean to run
name 3 festivals around the world
Christmas, New Year, Mid autumn festival, Thanks giving, Easter,
name 3 adjectives to describe public transportation
eco-friendly, comfortable, convenient, cheap, frequent, reliable
name 3 things you can see at the airport
boarding pass, baggage claim, luggage, customs, passport
name 3 adjectives to describe how you feel about school
pleased, delighted, upset, disappointed, annoyed
name 3 school work
essay, homework, project, test, book report
name 3 charity events
bake sale, fun run, car wash, talent show, craft fair
name 3 kinds of music
rock, pop, folk music, country music, classical music, jazz, heavy metal, blues, RnB, reggae
name 3 health problems
sore throat, headache, toothache, stomach ache, sore eyes, backache, fever
name 3 healthy habbits
drink enough water, take vitamins, eat fruit and vegetables
3 extreme sports
zorbing, sky diving, surfing, rock climbing, skateboarding
name 3 prepositions of place
in, on, at, in front of, behind, between
name 3 free time activities
playing football, building models, baking cakes, collecting soccer stickers, reading comics, playing online games
name 3 regular verbs (past simple form)
played, talked, stopped, watched
name 3 irregular verbs (past simple form)
went, did, have, bought, built, send
name 3 countries having 'the' before their names
the USA, the UK, the Netherland, the Philippines
name 3 non-renewable energy
coal, oil, natural gas
name 3 healthy food/drinks
water, tea, fruit, vegetable
name three unhealthy food/drinks
fried chicken, coke, sandwich, milk tea
name 3 public transportation
bus, train, subway
name 3 food containers
bunch, box, bag, stick, carton, bottle, can ...
name 3 renewable energy
solar power, hydro power, wind power, nuclear power