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Unscramble the sentences (Writing lesson 1)

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Unscramble this sentence: school am happy my I generally with
I am generally happy with my school
Unscramble this sentence: that things change wish could some I I
I wish that I could change some things
Unscramble this sentence: I we conditioners had wish more air also
I also wish we had more air conditioners.
Unscramble this sentence: One time, a from the fainted girl heat
One time, a girl fainted from the heat.
Unscramble this sentence: The next day, battery-powered I me a small fan to class with brought
The next day, I brought a small battery-powered fan to class with me.
Unscramble this sentence: For one thing, wish breaks we classes had longer between I
For one thing, I wish we had longer breaks between classes.
Unscramble this sentence: classroom it can get day the during very hot the in
It can get very hot in the classroom during the day.
Unscramble this sentence: to rush or run we so much wouldn’t around need
We wouldn’t need to rush or run around so much.
Unscramble this sentence: I warm feel wouldn’t so
I wouldn’t feel so warm.
Unscramble this sentence: it more time the next class would be have to nice to get to
It would be nice to have more time to get to the next class.
Unscramble this sentence: hospital girl taken was the the to
The girl was taken to the hospital.
Unscramble this sentence: worked it
It worked.
Unscramble this sentence: to a come had doctor
A doctor had to come.