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Jobs - advanced vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who can be ON THE DOLE?
unemployed or those who look for job
If something GETS BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD, what happens...?
starts from the beginning, from scratch
Who works on commission? Give two examples.
... (sales person, lawyer...)
How do you call a person who works with you?
What is the difference between WAGE and SALARY?
Salary is paid monthly, wage weekly
give two synonyms of GET SACKED
get fired, be laid off, be made redundant
translate CUT CORNERS
iść na łatwiznę
What does an INTERN do?
(s)he learns how to work, the rules and procedures etc.
Name 3 perfect jobs for a FREELANCER
stopa bezrobocia?
unemployment rate
He started R..................... the business last year.
give a synonym of ENTERPRENEUR
business person (-man/woman)
translate PERKS
dodatki do pensji, bonusy
Where do you work if you work OVERSEAS?
far from home, in another country, abroad
Name 3 different ways of loosing your job.
get fired, be made redundant, resign,...
translate PREMISES
budynek, obiekt
Who operates a till at his/her work?
Name a job, that is tedious.