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Prehistory and History

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What type of historical source is this?
Graphic source
What type of historical source is this?
What is a written source?
A document that contains text or a written message - books , letters, and newspapers
What is a oral source?
Information passed from person to person like testimonies, stories, myths, and songs
What is a graphic source?
Painting, pictures, film, photos, and maps from the past that give us information
What is a physical source?
Any object or building from the past
What are the 4 different types of historical sources?
Physical, graphic, oral, and written sources
What are historical sources?
They give us information about the past
What is a timeline?
A timeline shows important history events and the time it occurred
True or False? The periods of history in order are the Modern Age, Prehistory, Middle Ages, and then Ancient History?
False, its prehistory > ancient history > middle ages > modern age age > contemporary age
True or false? Monuments, museums, and archaeological sites give information about the past
True of False? Timelines show events in order
What type of historical source is this?
Oral source
What type of historical source is this?
Graphic source
What type of historical source is this?
written source
What type of historical source is this?
Physical source