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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of the following is an appropriate way to use a semicolon?
John went to the park; he played with a ball.
The children played; after they went to the beach.
I like to eat cake; it tastes sweet.
Which of the following sentences is an example of a compound sentence that could use a semicolon?
The dog barked, and the cat ran away.
The phone rang, but I didn't answer it.
The sun is shining and the birds are singing.
What is the primary purpose of a semicolon?
To connect two independent clauses
To connect a dependent and independent clause
To end a sentence
Popsicles are on sale at the store my dad bought me one.
Popsicles are on sale at the store; my dad bought me one.
Pam and Lisa had a fight they are not talking to each other today.
Pam and Lisa had a fight; they are not talking to each other today.
Steven’s book report is due on Friday he is reading the book now.
Steven’s book report is due on Friday; he is reading the book now.
The big dog scared the little boy he ran the other way.
The big dog scared the little boy; he ran the other way.
My class is having a party tomorrow I’m bringing chips and salsa.
My class is having a party tomorrow; I’m bringing chips and salsa.
The traffic on the freeway was horrible I decided to wait.
The traffic on the freeway was horrible; I decided to wait.
My friend was feeling sick I walked her to the nurse’s office.
My friend was feeling sick; I walked her to the nurse’s office.
It was a very hot day I had to use a fan to keep cool.
It was a very hot day; I had to use a fan to keep cool.
We did an experiment in class all the students participated.
We did an experiment in class; all the students participated.
He lives near the beach the salty air is making his car rust.
He lives near the beach; the salty air is making his car rust.