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Climates of Spain

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why are mountain regions colder?
Temperature decreases with increase in altitude.
What zone is Colombia located in?
Hot zone.
What zone is Morocco located in?
Temperate zone.
What three factors affect climate?
distance from the equator, proximity to the sea, and altitude.
What zone is Spain located in?
Temperate zone.
What is the temperature like in the hot zone?
Always high.
Why are coastal temperatures mild?
The ocean regulates the temperature.
What zone is Antarctica located in?
The cold zone.
What are endemic plants?
Plants that do not grow anywhere else in the wolrd.
What climate has mild temperatures, low precipitation, and is found in the Canary Islands?
Subtropical Climate
What climate has cold temperatures, high precipitation, snow, and is found in areas with high altitude?
Mountain Climate
What climate has cool temperatures, high precipitation forests, and is found in northern Spain?
Oceanic Climate
What climate has hot summers, low precipitation and is found in most of Spain?
Mediterranean Climate
What is the coldest season?
What are the two rainiest seasons?
Spring and autumn/fall
What is the warmest and driest season?