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BE 2.1 U13: Comparatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Greece and Cyprus are very similar. Greece is __ sunny __ Cyprus.
We‘ve had ____ orders this month. Demand has increased quite a lot.
I like it when we have no customers. I have ____ work and ____ problems.
less / fewer
As manufacturing technology improves, factories need ___ and ___ workers.
fewer and fewer
Coal production is decreasing here. Today, there are ___ mines than in the past.
The UK produces _____ oil than Saudi Arabia. (more/less/fewer)
The new machine is more reliable than the old one. It runs ...
more reliably
Bob is more careful than his colleague. He checks figures ...
more carefully
Sophie is a quicker decision-maker than Kelly. She makes decisions ...
more quickly
Polish firms are cheaper than German firms. They produce goods ...
more cheaply
steel from Germany / + expensive / steel from China
Steel from Germany is more expensive than steel from China.
the food here / + good / in the other restaurant
The food here is better than in the other restaurant.
Greenland / + cold / Greece
Greenland is colder than Greece.
Canada / – industrialized / the US
Canada is less industrialized than the US.
flying / + safe / driving
Flying is safer than driving