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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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16.Define heart attack. Refer and list a few symptoms of the disease.
list out please
15 It's time to play with your family member. Draw a grid on the ground using a piece of chalk. Mark latitudes and longitudes on it. A person will randomly give a location.eg.10N and 20W, and ask the chosen person to locate and stand on it.
identify please
14. With the help of your atlas find out the location (latitude and longitude) of the following capital cities.(New Delhi, London, Paris, Moscow, Washington, Tokyo
find out please
13. Which is your favourite tv show? Why do you like it? Give a suggestion which you feel would make it better.
answer please
12. Compare yourself with anyone of the characters from your favourite story. List down the similarities and differences
answer please
11. Make a creative poster for our Lakshmians with a catchy heading to create awareness about the ill effects of junk food.
creativity please
10. Note: Cooking without fire. The below chart shows the recipe of a cupcake using fractions. If you are the best chef, find a simple recipe and give the ingredients in fractions. Also cook and enjoy the dish.
recipe please
9. It's time for origami. Observe the below items made. Make any two for yourself.
hands on experience please
8. Complete the below puzzle. Then prepare a puzzle like this on your own. Frame the rules also to solve it
answer please
7. Imagine yourself as a cardiologist. What advice would you give to a patient with cardiovascular disease and what are the measures you would ask him to take to save his life?
advice please
6. Imagine you are an explorer in the earlier times when the concept of latitudes and longitudes was not known. how would you find your way to your destination? Write a paragraph describing your experiences.
answer please
5. Write a shopping list.
answer please
4. Imagine you have an uncle who lives in a country which has a colder climate. Write a letter to him describing the climate of your country, explaining to him how it affects your everyday life.
letter please
3c. Prepare the budget for the above within the given cost.
answer please
3b. Find the cost of stay & 3 meals per day in a good hotel. *They would like to have some money to buy souvenirs.*The family would like to try atleast one new activity or two like boat ride or hot air balloon ride Fix the cost on your own.
answer please
3a. Fix a tourist spot on your own. Gather information about that place. *They are 4 people in the family. *They want to be out for 5 days & nights. *Calculate the cost, if they fly and also if they drive.(car)
answer please
3. The vacation problem: Mr. Jack's family is super excited to plan their vacation to the beach. Their goal is to spend less than Rs. 50,000 on their trip. Help them to plan their trip by considering the following information.
answer please
2. Make a working model of the human heart and explain it. Shoot a video with explanation and send it through mail.
answer please
1. Describe one of your classmates by giving clues (atleast 5 clues) without telling who it is.
answer please