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What have you learned about Pancake Day?

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True or False: The woman from Olney went to the chemist's holding the frying pan in her hands and turning the pancakes as she walked
False: She went to the church
True or Flase: The woman who lived in Olney was cooking pancakes and she forgot that it was time to go to church
Where did the woman who originated the Pancake racing live?
In the town of Olney
In what year was the famous Pancake racing originated?
In 1445
True or false: In the pancake race the pancake must be thrown just at end of the race
False: The pancake must be thrown both at the beginning and at the end of the race
True or False: In the pancake race the participants must wear an scarf and apron
What is the name of the funniest traditional activity celebrated in the UK for the Pancake day?
The "Pancake racing"
What is the name of an old sport played traditionnally during Pancake Day?
"Mob football"
True or False: On Pancake day many people just eat pancakes
False: They eat pancakes and other sweets
Name some places where Pancake Day is celebrated
The United Kingdom, other places of the Commonwealth and Ireland.
True or False: The day before Pancake Day is called Ash Wednesday
True or False: Pancake Day is also called "Shrove Friday"
False: This day is also called "Shrove Tuesday"