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6* Common Mistakes

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose the correct answer.
The men are hungry.
The man are hungry.
The mens are hungry.
The mans are hungry.
Choose the correct answer.
I have three purple pens.
I have pens three purple.
I having three purple pens.
I haves three purple pens.
Choose the correct answer.
The cinema has a new film.
The cinema have a new film.
The cinema is have a new film.
The cinema having a new film.
Choose the correct answer.
She goes to the park everyday.
She go to the park everyday.
She is go to the park everyday.
She was go to the park everyday.
Choose the correct answer.
She is 14 years old.
She has 14 years old.
She have 14 years old.
She are 14 years old.
Choose the correct answer.
The book was written by Paula.
The book was write by Paula.
The book is write by Paula.
The book are written by Paula.
Choose the correct answer.
The children weren't hungry.
The childrens weren't hungry.
The childs wasn't hungry.
The children wasn't hungry.
Choose the correct answer.
There is an elephant behind you.
They're is an elephant behind you.
Their is an elephant behind you.
There is a elephant behind you.
Choose the correct answer.
I am an English student.
I English student.
I am English student.
I am a English student.
Choose the correct answer.
This film is more exciting than the other one.
This film is excitinger than the other one.
This film is exciting more than the other one.
This film are more exciting than the other one.
Choose the correct answer.
It is colder in my country than it is here.
It is more cold in my country than it is here.
It is coldest in my country than it is here.
It is colded in my country than it is here.
Choose the correct answer.
The women don't want to play music.
The womens don't want to play music.
The women doesn't want to play music.
The woman don't want to play music.
Choose the correct answer.
Is the test corrected?
Is corrected the test?
Is test correct?
Is corrected test?
Choose the correct answer.
She doesn't want to eat cake.
She don't want to eat cake.
She no want to eat cake.
She can no eat cake.
Choose the correct answer.
I didn't read the book.
I did'nt read the book.
I doesn't read the book
I did't read the book.
Choose the correct answer.
I was reading the book.
I were reading the book.
You was reading the book.
I reading the book.
Choose the correct answer.
I want to speak English well.
I want to speak English good.
I want speak English well.
I want speak English good.
Choose the correct answer.
I bought a new car yesterday.
I bought new car yesterday.
I buyed a new car yesterday.
I was buy a new car yesterday.
When do you eat dinner?
I eat dinner at night.
I eat dinner in night.
I eat dinner on night.
I eat dinner the night.
My parents were sleeping until ______
they heard the alarm.
they heared the alarm.
they hearing the alarm.
they were hearing the alarm.
The comedy film is so _____ it makes me laugh so much!
My favorite film genre is horror.
I love horror films.
I love films horror.
I love films of horror.
I love horrors film.
The cat is fat and ugly.
The fat, ugly cat.
The ugly cat fat.
The cat fat, ugly.
The ugly fat cat.
Those are our games.
Those games are ours.
Those games are theirs.
Those games are hers.
Those games are mine.
Those are their friends.
They love their friends.
They love her friends.
They love there friends.
They love his friends.
Choose the correct answer.
Do you like to walk in the forest?
You like to walk in the forest?
Like walk in the forest?
Do like to walk in the forest?
Choose the correct answer.
She paints beautiful paintings.
She paint beautiful paintings.
She painting beautiful paintings.
She will painting beautiful paintings.
Choose the correct answer.
He plays football with his friends.
He play football with his friends.
He playing football with his friends.
He were playing football with his friends.
That is my cat.
The cat is mine.
The cat is me.
The cat is my.
The cat is mio.
I was studying until _____.
you arrived
you arrive
you were arriving
you arriving
We were cleaning while our mum ________.
was cooking
will cook
I was washing the plates when he _______.
called me.
was calling me.
call me.
calling me.
Choose the correct answer.
We came to school at 9 am last Thursday.
We come to school at 9 am last Thursday.
We coming to school at 9 am last Thursday.
We didn't came to school at 9 am last Thursday.
Choose the correct answer.
She read the book yesterday.
She reads the book yesterday.
She reading the book yesterday.
She's reading the book yesterday.
Choose the correct answer.
In 2020, we stayed at home.
In 2020, we stay at home.
In 2020, we staying at home.
In 2020, we are staying at home.
Choose the correct answer.
Last year, she saved a cat.
Last year, she save a cat.
Last year, she will save a cat.
Last year, she saving a cat.
Choose the correct answer.
Yesterday, we ate pizza.
Yesterday, we eat pizza.
Yesterday, we eated pizza.
Yesterday, we will eat pizza.
Choose the correct answer.
Do you like to play chess?
You like to play chess?
Like to play chess?
Do you like play chess?
Choose the correct answer.
Do you like apples?
You like apples?
Apples do you like?
Like do you the apples?
The dog is happy.
It is a happy dog.
It is happy dog.
It is dog happy.
It is a dog happy.
The pen is blue.
I have a blue pen.
I have blue pen.
I have a pen blue.
I have pen blue.
Choose the correct answer.
I prefer playing alone.
I prefer play alone.
I prefer played alone.
I prefer to played alone.
Choose the correct answer.
I like to play volleyball.
I like play volleyball.
I like played volleyball.
I like player volleyball.
How often do you watch football?
I watch football three times a week.
I watch football three a week.
I often watch three football a week.
I never often watch football.
How often do you go to the super market?
I go once a week.
I go three a week.
I often go a week.
I often go two a week.
How do you say "¿Con qué frecuencia?" in English?
How often?
How many?
When often?
How long?
Choose the correct answer.
Last weekend, I went to Valencia.
Last weekend, I will go to Valencia.
Last weekend, I go to Valencia.
Last weekend, I was to Valencia.
Choose the correct answer.
Next weekend, I will go to Valencia.
Next weekend, I will goes to Valenica.
Next weekend, I went to Valencia.
Next weekend, I was to Valencia.
I love playing football because playing football is ______.
Choose the correct answer.
I listen to music.
I listen music.
Listen to music.
Listen music.