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Math quiz for grade 3 and 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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in a jungle there is one lion and three goats, if two goats are born everyday and lion eats one, how many goats will be left after 7 days?
10 goats
Anand is in the business of making quilts, each quilt requires 7 metres of fabric, if he has 21 metres in total. how many quilts can he make?
total 3 quilts can be made
Rahul has 5 big paintings and 3 small paintings, he sells big painting for Rs. 12 each and small ones for Rs. 8 each. If he sells all his paintings how much money would he collect?
(5*12)+(3*8)=60+24+Rs. 84
There is a straight 6 inch line, how can you make it shorter without erasing it?
by drawing a longer line beside it
Ram and Sita have three sons, each son has one sister. how many members are there in Ram's family?
total 6 Ram, Sita, three sons and one daughter
you have a five litre and a three litre bucket, you have to measure out seven litres using the two buckets.
fill the 5l buc. empty the 5l bucket into 3l buc, this would leave 2lin the big buc empty the 3l buc, now empty 2l from big buc to 3l buc. now fill the 5l buc
5, , 15 ,25 , ,40, ,
there are 5 girls and 5 boys in a group the girls will get 1 more chocolate than the boys there are 15 chocolates in all how many totals chocolates will each of them get.
girl : 2 boy : 1
what is the answer for this .
caterpillar = 7 clock = 6 flower = 2 answer is 15
what is the total of the question.
1.9 + 1 = 10 2.7 + 7 = 14 3.7 - 1 = 6 4.9 + 5 = 14 6.5 * 7 = 35
Navin bought 12 ladus and 18 rasgulas.there were in all 6 people.if both sweets were distributed equally amongst the 6 people , how many ladus and rasgulas did each one get ?
ladus :2 rasgullas : 3
how many four digit numbers can you make using the following digits ? Each digit can only be used ones in every number. the numbers are 2,4.7,9.
2479, 9742, 9274, 9472, 9742, 2479, 2749
give a number in the world that gives a bigger number when you add it to itself than you multiply it by itself
1 because if you add it to itself it will become 2 but when you multiply it , it will be only 1
what is the answer to this question
1.24 2.5 bats,8 cats 3.60 4.12 5.21 6.28
Lets have the 2nd park of the energiser
12.ghost 13.skeleton 14.hat 15.dracula 16.broom 17.costumes 18.vampire 19.bats
Let's have a quik mental energiser
1.black cat 2.ghost 3.black pot 4.mummy 5.halloween pumkin 6.witch 7.ghost house 8.candies 9.trick or treet 10.pumkin 11.spider