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North American Geography

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Hills worn by erosion and hundreds of lakes carved by glaciers. Wrapped around Hudson Bay (Northern Canada)in a horseshoe shape.
Canadian Shield
Rugged mountains along the Pacific Coast that stretch from California to Canada. Contains fertile valleys.
Coastal Range
Old, eroded mountains (oldest mountain range in North America. Located west of Coastal Plain extending from eastern Canada to western Alabama.
Appalachian Range
#1 on map
Coastal Range
Broad lowland providing many excellent harbors. Located along the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.
Coastal Plain
#8 on map
Canadian Shield
#2 on map
Basin and Range
Rolling flatlands with many rivers, broad river valleys, and grassy hills. Located west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Great Plains.
Interior Lowlands
What is #4 on map?
Great Plains
What is #1 on the map?
Coastal range