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Eiken Grade 3 Interview

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you ever been to a summer festival?
Yes I have + [2 details] / No I haven't + [2 details]
Have you ever been abroad?
Yes I have + [2 details] / No I haven't + [2 details]
Have you ever been fishing?
Yes I have + [2 details] / No I haven't + [2 details]
Have you ever been skiing?
Where do you like to go with your family?
I like to go to....with my family.
What time do you usually eat dinner?
I usually eat dinner at.....
What kind of restaurants do you want to go to?
I want to go to.....restaurants.
What kind of animals do you like?
I like.....
What do you usually do on Sunday?
I usually.....on Sunday.
Do you like to swim?
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
I usually eat.....for breakfast.
What kind of movies do you like to watch?
I like to watch.....movies.
What kind of food do you like to eat?
I like to eat......
What season do you like the best?
I like.....the best.
What time do you usually get up on the weekends?
I get up at.....on the weekends?
What sport do you like the most?
I like.....the most
What did you eat this morning?
I ate.....this morning.
Do you like to cook?
What do you usually do in your free time?
I usually.....in my free time.
What did you do yesterday?
Do you have a mobile phone?
Do you like to travel?
Do you enjoy studying English?
Do you often use a computer?
Where would you like to go next weekend?
I would like to go to....next weekend.
What place would you like to visit in Japan?
I would like to visit.....
What kind of TV programs do you often watch?
I often watch......
Do you like to read newspapers?
Which do you like better, reading books or watching TV?
I like.....better.
Have you ever travelled overseas?
What time do you usually get up?
I usually get up at......
Which do you like better summer or winter?
I like.....better.
Are you interested in music?
What fruit do you like to eat?
I like to eat....
What city would you like to visit in the future?
I would like to visit.....in the future.
Do you have any pets?
What sport do you like best?
I like.....best.
Do you like to go camping?
What do you like to do when the weather is hot?
I like to.....when the weather is hot.
What country would you like to visit in the future?
I would like to visit.....in the future.
What are you going to do tonight?
I’m going to.....
Do you enjoy going shopping?
Are you good at playing music?
Do you like to eat at restaurants?