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Where is Messi playing?
Inter Miami
Do you think Portugal will win the World Cup?
We will see!
What year will Ronaldo retire in?
Who won the Champion League in 2023?
Manchester C
Who is the second best player in the world?
Messi or Neymar
Who is the craziest Ronaldo fan?
Who is this?
Erling Haaland
Who is the best goalkeeper in the world?
Alisson Becker
Who scored the best bicycle kick in the world?
Zlatan Ibrahimović
Who is the fastest soccer player in the world?
Kylian Mbappe
Who won the most champion leagues?
Real Madrid
Who is better, Ronaldo or Messi?
Ronaldo is better.
How many World Cups has Argentina won?
Who is this?
Patricio Luis
Who is this?
Ousmane Dembele
Who is this?
Cristiano Ronaldo
Who is this?
Zlatan Ibrahimovic