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"What can you do?" AEF L1 5A
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you count down from 20 to 1 in ten seconds?
Can you remember the opposite of these adjectives? a) full b) strong c) dangerous
Can you park easily a) on the street outside your house? b) in the city?
Can you do these things on a computer: a) use Photoshop? b) design a webpage?
Can you easily remember a) people’s names? b) birthdays?
Can you spell these numbers in words correctly? a) 8 b) 15 c) 30
Can you say three things you can do in your country when you are 18?
Can you say three things you can do on a Friday night in your town?
Can you make a) spaghetti? b) a cake? c) a cappuccino?
Can you say “I love you” in three languages?
Can you a) play tennis? b) play chess? c) swim two miles?
Can you sleep a) in a bus or on a plane? b) with the light on?
Can you say the days of the week in ten seconds?
Can you say three things you can do on your cellphone?