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Box plot

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This box plot shows the number of minutes passengers spent in an airport departure lounge. What is the minimum number of minutes spent waiting in the lounge?
30 minutes
This box plot shows the number of marks earned by the boys in a class test. What was the first quartile?
17 marks
This box plot shows the number of minutes passenger spent in a station waiting room. What is the median of times spent in the waiting room?
44 minutes
This box plot shows the number of marks earned by the girls in a class test. What was the 3rd quartile?
22 marks
This box plot shows the lenths of leaves in centimetres. What is the minimum length?
This box plot shows the length (mm) of worms recorded. what is the maximum length of worms?
This box plot shows the length of fish recorded. What is the median?
This box plot shows the number of minutes passengers spent in a different station waiting room. What is the median of times spent in the waiting room?
62 minutes
This box plot shows the time spent commuting to work by a group of office workers. What is the maximum commute time?
87 minutes
This box plot shows the number of minutes patients spent in a dentist's waiting room. What is the median time?
21 minutes