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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_______ you have a pet? (Do - Does)
Do you have a pet?
__________ your sister have a cat? (Do - Does)
Does your sister have a cat?
Mary and Charles __________ a cat. (have - has)
Mary and Charles have a cat
Sharks ___________ other sea animals. (eat - eats)
Sharks eat other sea animals
_____ you have school on Saturday? (Do - Does)
Do you have school on Saturday?
I ___________ watch TV in the mornings. (don't - doesn't)
I don´t watch TV in the mornings.
A giraffe ________ plants. (eat - eats)
A giraffe eats plants.
_________ elephants drink water? (Do - Does)
Do elephants drink water?
_________ your sister like cats? (Do - Does)
Does your sister like cats?
Paul __________ a beautiful dog. (have - has)
Paul has a beautiful dog.
We ___________ go to school on Sundays. (don't - doesn't)
We don't go to school on Sundays
My mom _______ like spiders. They are dangerous. (don't - doesn't)
My mom doesn't like spiders.
I _________ like spiders. They are dangerous. (don't - doesn´t)
I don't like spiders
________ your mom like pizza? (Do - Does)
Does your mom like pizza?
_________ your sister have a pet? (Do - Does)
Does your sister have a pet?
A tortoise __________ very slowly (walk - walks)
A tortoise walks very slowly
Cheetahs ___________ very fast (run - runs)
Cheetahs run very fast