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YLC5_Unit 5_Scheduled future plans + future plan ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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... you ... (watch) 2 days 1 night? what time ... it ... (start)? ----- Yes, I am. It ... (start) at 9:30pm.
Are you watching 2 days 1 night? What time does it start? - It starts at 9:30 pm.
What time ... the concert ... (start)?
What time does the concert start?
We ... (go) to school on weekdays.
We go to school on weekdays.
The bus ... (arrive) at 9:00.
The bus arrives at 9:00.
What ... you ... (do) in the evening?
What are you doing in the evening?
When ... the train ... (leave) the station?
When does the train leave the station?
The movie ... (start) at 7.15 and ends at 9:30.
... you... (go) anywhere this Sunday? No. I... (stay) home.
Are you going... / I'm staying
What time ... the coffee shop ... (open)?
does / open
This weekend, I'm ... (visit) my relatives.
We use the ... ... to talk about future plans.
present progressive
We use the ... ... to talk about scheduled future events.
Simple present