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Think 4 Final speaking revision

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Define the following phrasal verbs: put up with, go through, wear out. make up a question with one of the phrasal verbs and ask your partner.
put up with - tolerate, go through - experiebce (a difficult situation), wear out - make sb very tired
What is the difference between "grow up" and bring up (children)"? Make up sentences with these phrasal verbs.
bring up (children) - raise children grow up - become older, become an adult
What personal qualities does a person need to have to become successful in life.
Will be in the exam
Are you an imaginative person? Why do(not) you think so? What can you do with a plastic bottle
Name at least 7 adjectives to describe a personality. If you had to describe yourself in three words, what words would that be?
Will be in the exam
Decide together what you think is the best way of learning (individually, in a class, with a tutor, etc.)
Name stages of a relationship.
ask sb out, go on a date, go out with sb, fall in love, get engaged, get married, start a family, split up with sb, get over sb.
In what situations can people feel apprehensive? (name at least 3) Why might people feel that way?
This will be in a speaking exam
Define the following phrasal verbs / use in a sentence run through, look into, come down with Make up a sentence with one of them and ask your partner.
run through - look again (at info), look into - find out more details about sth, come down with - become ill.
True / not true for you? 1) When I fail at sth, I can sometimes blame other people for it. 2) I never let people down. If I promise sth to people, I am goint to try my hardest and do it. 3) I want to live up to my parents` expectations.
which types of films people of your age prefer watching/never watch  why people might want to watch these types of films
This will be in the speaking exam
Name at least 5 adjectives to describe films. Do you have a favoirute film? What iis it? How would you describe it?
far-fetched, breathtaking, stunning, memorable, action-packed, thrilling, sentimental, delightful.
How would your life be different if you were not able to use your smartphone?
This question will be in the speaking exam
Name 8 geographical features. Make up sentences with 3 of them.
dune, volcano, reef, bay, canyon, waterfall, mountain range, glacier.
Name as many expressions as you can with "make", "take", "do", "give" "play". Take turns with your partner, make up questions with the expressions and ask each other. (speak for 3 minutes)
p. 115 in your SB
Can you remember any space idioms? What are they? Come up with a question for each other using one of them.
starry-eyed, over the moon, once in a blue moon, out of this world, it`s not rocket sciennce, down to earth.
Where would you like to get a higher education? Discuss with your partner.
Say the tongue twisters 3 times in a row. Take turns with your partner) 1) She sells seashells by the seashore 2) I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen
having fun)
What phrases do you remember for cheering sb up? When was the last time you cheered sb up? What happened?
Cheer up! Hang in there! It`s not the end of thee world. Don`t let it get you down. Look on the bright side. There`s light at the end of the tunnel.
Do you think you could survive on an inhabited island? why (not)? Discuss with your partner.