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Comparative and superlative

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The first cell phone is .... than the second cell phone. (expensive)
The first cell phone is more expensive than the second cell phone.
I am the .... football player in my school. (bad)
I am the worst football player in my school.
The cheetah is ________________ (fast) animal
The cheetah is  the fastest animal
I think my friend is .... than you. (intelligent)
I think my friend is more intelligent than you.
This is ..... quiz I have ever done. (difficult)
This is the most difficult quiz I have ever done.
Messi is .... football player in the world. (good)
Messi is the best football player in the world.
The boy is .... the old man. (young)
The boy is younger than the old man.
My mom is ________________my sister. (Careful)
My mom is more careful than my sister
Sharks is __________ dolphins. (dangerous)
Sharks is more dangerous than dolphins
Giraffe is .... animal in the picture. (tall)
Alex is the fastest animal in the picture.
Lilo is ..... of all the dancers. (short)
Lilo is ..... of all the dancers.
Lizard is _________________crocodile. (small)
Lizard is smaller than crocodile
Bruce is .... fish in the picture. (dangerous)
Bruce is the most dangerous fish in the picture.
Master Shifu is .... than Po. (intelligent)
Master Shifu is more intelligent than Po.
Ariel is .... than Ursula. (beautiful)
Ariel is more beautiful than Ursula. 
Monkey is ___________kangaroo (quick)
Monkey is quicker than kangaroo
Mate is ... than McQueen (dirty)
Mate is dirtier than McQueen
Sullivan is ..... monster in the room. (big)
Sullivan is the biggest monster in the room.