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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am going to eat less junk food. I am not going to / will not be fat.
I am going to eat less junk food. I will not be fat.
I want to visit France. I am going to / will learn French.
I want to visit France. I am going to learn French.
I am going to get up early every day. I am not going to / will not be late for school.
I am going to get up early every day. I will not be late for school.
After Amy takes medicine and gets enough rest, she is going to / will get well soon.
After Amy takes medicine and gets enough rest, she will get well soon.
Amy is sick. She is going to / will see a doctor.
Amy is sick. She is going to see a doctor.
I practise the piano every day. I am going to / will win the piano competition.
I practise the piano every day. I will win the piano competition.
I want to be good at playing piano. I am going to / will practise the piano every day.
I want to be good at playing piano. I am going to practise the piano every day.
I'm going to wear a princess costume and sing a song. I am going to be / will be the star of the party.
I'm going to wear a princess costume and sing a song. I will be the star of the party.
I am going to / will wear a Batman costume in the party.
I am going to wear a Batman costume in the party.