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G9 U5 grammar
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I haven’t bought any clothes since my trip to Hanoi. → The last time
The last time I bought clothes was in my trip to Hanoi.
Please do not litter as you are walking along the coast”, the guard said to us. → The guard told
The guard told us not to litter as we were walking along the coast
Although I had all the necessary qualifications, they didn’t offer me the job. → Despite
Despite having all the necessary qualifications, they didn’t offer me the job
He is carrying out a research on how people spend their money for clothes. → A research
A research on how people spend their money for clothes is being carried out.
It that Po Nagar Cham Towers were built in the 8th century. A. considered B. was considered C. has considered D. considers
was considered
Many valuable things …………..…….. and destroyed from man-made wonders in theworld. A. havebeenstolen B. has beenstolen C. arestolen D. will bestolen
have been stolen
It is hoped that many defensivemeasures to protectand preserve our man-made wonders. A. istakenB. willtake C. willbetaken D. aretaken
will be taken
The teacher suggested that the students …………….. all their homework before going tobed. A. mustfinishB. finish C. finished D. shouldfinish
should finish
She wishes she ……………. Have a longer summer vacation. A. can B.should C.may D. could
. In the 17th century, the Viet people the temple tower, calling it Thien Y Thanh Mau Tower. A. put on B. looked for C. got into D. took over
took over
During Perfume Pagoda festival, a large number of flock to the pagoda to pray for happiness and prosperity in the coming year. A. spectators B. passengers C. pilgrims D. travellers
C. pilgrims
The limestone formation of Thien Duong Cave is more than that of Phong Nha cave. A. spectacular B. probable C. geological D. sight-seeing
. Perfume pagoda Is a religious site ………………………….. being a great sight- seeing spot In Viet Nam. A. thesameas B. aswellas C.suchas D.and
B. aswellas
. It is said that Ha Long Bay is a magical place, attracting more tourists than ever since UNESCO's of this beautifulspot. A.recognizeB. recognition C.recognizing D.recognizes
B. recognition
Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others a. structure b. commune c. cavern d. cement
Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others. 1. a. particular b. spectacular c. remarkable d. picturesque